Anti-war criminal cases

Criminal repression for anti-war stance in Russia

русская версияru

persecuted for anti-war activism


people jailed

in pre-trial detention centers, prisons, on forced medical treatment

regions  with criminal cases

Criminal cases by region
New defendants
Recently added
Ukrainian citizens

We note all the defendants in criminal cases with Ukrainian citizenship. In some cases, a Ukrainian passport in itself is grounds for persecution. Some defendants in criminal cases are several Ukrainian public figures.

Here is information about all the defendants known to us in anti-war criminal cases who are persecuted for their speech. Some people are defendants in several criminal cases. We update the data regularly. If you notice a mistake in the text or want to tell us about someone, write to us at [email protected].

Write to political prisoners
Health problems
Left Russia
Citizens of Ukraine
Defendants of OVD-Info
Dissemination of deliberate false information about the armed forces, government agencies, or mercenaries
Article 207.3
Total: 324
Discrediting the armed forces, government agencies, or mercenaries
Article 280.3
Total: 205
Part 1
Total: 197
Part 2
Total: 8

Public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, the maintenance of international peace and security, including public calls to obstruct the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for these purposes, as well as those aimed at discrediting the performance by state bodies of the Russian Federation of their powers outside the territory of the Russian Federation for these purposes, as well as those aimed at discrediting the provision by volunteer formations, organizations or persons of assistance in the performance of tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, resulting in death by negligence and/or causing harm to the health of citizens, damage to property, massive disruption of public order and/or public security, or causing interference with or disruption of vital infrastructure, transport or social infrastructure, credit organisations, energy, industry or communications facilities.

Penalty: A fine of 300,000 to 1,000,000 roubles Imprisonment for up to 7 years.

Alexei Arbuzenko

47 y.o., Samara Oblast

In corrective colony


Alexey Pinigin

27 y.o., Novosibirsk Oblast

Under travel restrictions


Anton Bykov

Rostov Oblast

Outside of Russia


Ivan Churinov

Rostov Oblast

Non-custodial sentence


Sergiy Krasiuk

46 y.o., Moscow Oblast

In the pre-trial detention centre (sentence has not entered into force)


Unknown male

38 y.o., Krasnoyarsk Krai

Under investigation (location unknown)


Vladimir Mironov

27 y.o., Saint Petersburg

In the pre-trial detention centre (sentence has not entered into force)


Vladimir Vladimirov

Kirov Oblast

In corrective colony

Public incitement to terrorism or justification of terrorism
Article 205.2
Total: 192
Article 214
Total: 100
Public appeals for the performance of extremist activity
Article 280
Total: 66
Act of terrorism
Article 205
Total: 54
Rehabilitation of nazism
Article 354.1
Total: 45
Public calls for activities against state security
Article 280.4
Total: 41
Organising an extremist community
Article 282.1
Total: 34
Knowingly making a false communication about an act of terrorism
Article 207
Total: 30
Use of violence against a representative of the power
Article 318
Total: 27
Incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as abasement of human dignity
Article 282
Total: 26
Wilful destruction or damage of property
Article 167
Total: 23
High treason
Article 275
Total: 20
Article 213
Total: 14
Mass riots
Article 212
Total: 13
Organisation of an association infringing upon the liberties and rights of individuals
Article 239
Total: 13
Outrages upon the national emblem or the state flag
Article 329
Total: 12
Illegal trafficking of explosives
Article 222.1
Total: 12
Unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or a place of military service
Article 337
Total: 11
Article 281
Total: 10
Failure to execute an order
Article 332
Total: 10
Contributing to terrorist activities
Article 205.1
Total: 9
Organisation of an illegal armed formation, or participation in it
Article 208
Total: 8
Illegal drug trafficking
Article 228
Total: 7
Confidential cooperation with foreigners
Article 275.1
Total: 7
Organising the activity of an extremist community
Article 282.2
Total: 7
Obstruction of the exercise of the right of liberty of conscience and religious liberty
Article 148
Total: 6
Insult of a representative of power
Article 319
Total: 6
Organising the activities of a terrorist organisation and participation in the activties of such organisation
Article 205.5
Total: 6
Repeated propaganda or public display of extremist or Nazi symbols
Article 282.4
Total: 6
Intentional infliction of light injury
Article 115
Total: 5
Illegal sale of firearms or ammunition
Article 222
Total: 5
Article 128.1
Total: 5
Undergoing training for the purpose of exercising terrorist activity
Article 205.3
Total: 5
Article 159
Total: 4
Contempt of court
Article 297
Total: 4
Illegal manufacturing of explosives
Article 223.1
Total: 4
Article 226
Total: 3
Outrages upon bodies of the deceased and their burial places
Article 244
Total: 3
Article 338
Total: 3
Organising a terrorist association and participating in it
Article 205.4
Total: 3
Destruction or damage of military burial sites
Article 243.4
Total: 3
Article 352.1
Total: 3
Threat of murder or infliction of grave injury to health
Article 119
Total: 2
Involvement of a minor in the commission of a crime
Article 150
Total: 2
Destruction or damage to objects of cultural heritage
Article 243
Total: 2
Illegal crossing of the state border
Article 322
Total: 2
Evasion of military or alternative civil service
Article 328
Total: 2
Unlawful impact on critical information infrastructure
Article 274.1
Total: 2
Failure to notify of foreign citizenship or permanent residence in a foreign state
Article 330.2
Total: 2
Article 112
Total: 1
Article 116
Total: 1
Article 135
Total: 1
Article 158
Total: 1
Article 163
Total: 1
Article 223
Total: 1
Illegal making and distribution of pornographic materials or objects
Article 242
Total: 1
Disclosure of state secrets
Article 283
Total: 1
Threats or forcible actions in connection with the administration of justice or preliminary investigation
Article 296
Total: 1
Refusal of a witness or victim to testify
Article 308
Total: 1
Disorganisation of the activities of institutions providing isolation from society
Article 321
Total: 1
Article 325
Total: 1
Illegal trafficking of special technical equipment designed to obtain information covertly
Article 138.1
Total: 1
Default on provision of information about a crime
Article 205.6
Total: 1
Repeated violation of the order of organizing or conducting public events
Article 212.1
Total: 1
Illegal drug trade
Article 228.1
Total: 1
Financial support for the extremist activities
Article 282.3
Total: 1
Organization of the activities of an undesirable organization
Article 284.1
Total: 1
Criminal liability for slander of public officials
Article 298.1
Total: 1